
Located in Llandilo, Sydney NSW St Mary and St Marina Coptic Orthodox Church offers services for the congregation living in the St Clair, St Marys, Claremont Meadows, Penrith, Glenmore Park, Cranebrook and Blue Mountains suburb areas.

With the spiritual leadership of our parish priest Fr Amounios, we aim to promote a biblical, Liturgical and Christian faith, based on the early teachings of the Church, which shapes both the Coptic Orthodox Church and the society in which we live for the sake and Love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

St Marina Vacation Care

You can find the registration form here

Address 363 Ninth Avenue, Llandilo NSW 2747
Telephone/Fax (02) 4777 5577 or call Marina Haroun: 0422 316 040
Email: mcoptic@gmail.com
Website www.stmarina.org.au


You may like to pay directly into our account: Please print a receipt as proof of payment.
Also please ensure you include your child’s first and last names as a reference.

Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Branch: Marrickville
BSB: 062199
Account: 10500385
Account Name: St. Marina Coptic Orthodox Vacation Centre
Reference: Your child’s first and last name

Payment must be made with Registration form
Place money in sealed envelope with the following details clearly written on the front:

Parents name and contact phone number, child’s name and total amount enclosed